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How to Care for Hydrangeas

We LOVE incorporating hydrangeas into our designer arrangements. The hydrangea’s full head of flower petals offers a show stopping focal point or filler option in a variety of different arrangements. Its name “hydrangea” comes from the Greek words hydros, meaning water, and angos, meaning jar. What an easy way to remember how to care for your hydrangeas! Hydrangea = Hydros = Check that Water!

Processing Hydrangeas

After you receive your hydrangeas from the flower market (or from the grocery store, we see you DIY-ers!) you want to make sure that they stay well hydrated until you’re ready to design with them:

  1. Choose a clean bucket for your hydrangeas and add your favorite brand of floral solution to cool water. 
  2. One of the best tricks to hydrating the hydrangea petals is actually soaking the head of flower petals in water for a few minutes. Simply dunk the hydrangea upside down into your water bucket, soak the petals, and then give the flower a light shake when removed.
  3. With a clean knife, cut your hydrangea stem  at an angle.Cutting the stem at an angle maximizes the surface area for each flower to soak up the water it needs to stay hydrated.
  4. Keep in a cooler until you’re ready to use.  Most flowers are happy stored between 36-42ºF.

Designing with Hydrangeas

When you’re ready to design with your hydrangeas:

  1. Prepare your vase with flower food. Flower food introduces a meal of glucose into your flower’s system which stabilizes color and provides the carbo-boost needed for increased longevity. 
  2. Cut your stems at your preferred height again at an angle. 
  3. Remove any foliage from the stem that would be submerged under the water line. Not only does this make an esthetic difference, it also keeps bacteria from being transferred to your vase water. 
  4. Place in your vase and voila! A beautiful hydrangea masterpiece awaits you....

Caring For Your Arrangement

Hydrangea flowers have a potential vase life of more than two weeks! However, they are very sensitive to poor care and handling. In our designer arrangements, we always add a pack of flower food in your delivery.  Every 2-3 days, change the water in your arrangement and add 1/4th of that packet to your arrangement. Re-cut the stemsat an angle each time you replace the water to allow the flowers a new pathway to drink from.

Looking for something a custom floral arrangement? EverWild Florals loves working with you to create the exact look and budget you have in mind! Contact us today and order a fresh flower arrangement to be delivered to you in the Kansas City area. 

From The EverWild Team, 
Becca Schrag | Lead Designer